Tuesday 28 February 2012

Vegas Con't

It's been a while, and a busy few weeks, since the last blog post. I guess 'busy' for us means climbing all day, every day, and not venturing into town to get internet. We are super sore now though and a few rest days are definitely in order.

Ever since Valentine's Day we've been camping at Red Rocks, where climbing on sandstone has been a new and exciting experience. The possibility of alternating between sport climbing days and easier multi-pitch trad days has lead to an awesome 10 days stay. After a few days of checking out the climbing our friends Meaghan and Nic flew down to meet us. We were both really excited to have some other people around, after about 6 weeks on the road with no one else to talk to but each other. The weather was nice and sunny every day, so warm in fact that we even seeked some shade.

The last couple weeks can be better described through pictures, since there's only so much to write about when you're climbing every day.

Getting on to Fear and Loathing

Last climb of the day, Fear and Loathing

Pitch 2 on Dreaming of Wild Turkeys (10 pitches, 10a)

Climbing over the bulge on Dream of Wild Turkeys

Onsight on Steep Thrills (12a), Nic

A different angle on Steep Thrills, Ryan

On Sunny and Steep (11d), Mani's proudest onsight

1 comment:

  1. Sick pics guys. Keep rockin the free world you crazy goons.
