Tuesday 17 January 2012

Bishop, CA

After leaving San Francisco a week ago today, we've been staying in a little town called Bishop. Despite the cold temps in the evening and overnight, we're embracing the camping lifestyle. At $2/night camping at the "Pit" is not so bad, although we only lasted 2 nights in the tent, the van is a lot warmer! Last night was the coldest night yet (~ -10 C), everything froze and we gave up trying to make breakfast and headed into town.

Bishop is a climber's paradise, with world-class bouldering and some sweet sport climbing at Owen's River Gorge. We've been climbing every day since we got here. Mostly bouldering with a couple days rope climbing. My fingertips held up pretty well until we went up to the Buttermilks where the granitic rock is a lot rougher on your fingers. At about 1900m this famous area offers some of the best bouldering in the world. After a hard day up there we enjoyed a two hour soak at a local hot springs pool. This is were most climbers go who are also in need of a shower (aka Ryan and Mani).

On one of our mornings this past week we we're barely up and making breakfast when a truck pulled into the campsite beside us. It seemed to us an odd time to show up a the "Pit" and they definitely didn't look like climbers! As they started unpacking it became apparent how prepared these two were. They had everything imaginable for a comfortable camping experience. Turns out Chris and Brian were here to fly fish. At least Chris was the driving force, Brian seemed to be there both to get away from his family for a few days and to sharpen his fishing skills. They told us this trip is a tradition for them, and they always invite their families. Surprisingly they always end up on their own. Thanks to Chris and Brian we enjoyed a few warm nights around their campfire, having drinks and sharing political views.

These are some of the tallest boulders at the Buttermilks, Grandma and Grandpa Peabody, see Ryan for scale. We DID NOT climb these :)

 Well, the sun is beckoning us to hit the rock again for day 7 of climbing. We will stay in Bishop for a bit longer until the rumoured storm hits. There is still sooo much to climb around here!

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